Birthing From Within Using Nature as your Guide


If your answer is YES, then join us for Manifesting with the Moon as we open ourselves to the support of the nature kingdom, deep intentions and the lunar cycle. The Planet Truly Needs YOU right now and a Deeply Feminine Way to Birth this Next Layer of YOU is with the cycles of nature.

What are you ready to birth?

Manifesting with the Moon is an online 29 day Journey – a complete lunar cycle -focusing on manifesting with nature and the moon.

It’s online so you can participate when you wish and a group journey with lots of support via our Facebook forum.

Why Manifesting with the Moon?

Sara's Story

For many years I have been following the seasonal and lunar cycles - they brought meaning to my life during times of challenge and now support me in all that I do.

As the Found and Lead Trainer on the Essentially Flowers Diploma in Flower and Vibrational Essences and Founder of Create a Magical Business Empowered Healer Programmes, I have spent many years co-creating the  life of my dreams with the nature and celestial kingdoms and my passion is to help YOU do the same.

When we allow ourselves to be supported, everything becomes possible!

In 2015 year my family and I relocated to France. This was a long held vision of ours - and the support that we received from the nature and celestial kingdoms could not have been greater. Here is a short version of how our move manifested:

Our estate agent suggested we put our house on the market during the weekend of the Autumn Equinox 2014- of course we made sure we were ready for that date. What a wonderful signal to the universe we were ready to let go…..

  • We accepted an offer on our house on the Spring Equinox 2015 (yep couldn’t have made it up if I tried)
  • We left our home of 28 years and traveled to France to our new rented cottage on Summer Solstice June 21st 2015 – what a wonderful way to celebrate the longest day!
  • At New Moon we exchanged contracts on our house
  • At Full Moon we received the monies from the sale of our house
  • And at the following New Moon our removal van finally arrived from England (having been held up in the strikes at the French ports)            

Our move to France has been life-changing and life-affirming. Since 2015 my healing business has sustained us beautifully and consistently in our new land and I feel very grateful to be able to live in a way I had dreamed of for so long AND share what I love with others like you!


Your Story

Manifesting with the Moon is your opportunity to dive in personally and spend time with myself and a group of empowered beings, setting intentions, following the lunar cycle AND focusing on the IN BREATH, THE BIRTHING OF THE BRAND NEW and allowing the nature kingdom and THE LUNAR CYCLE to support us as the nature kingdom effortlessly REBIRTHS HERSELF again and again and offers her gifts to the world.


  • Women and men who love nature and the moon who wish for deep transformation in their lives and who are willing to dive deeply and surrender to the process

  • Healers of all modalities who wish to build their healing practices and begin to do what they love as a full (or part-time) profession.  This includes allowing a flow of money to come through their healing practice to allow them to nurture and nourish themselves and their families

  • Owners of small businesses who are looking to transcend the struggle of hard work and little gain and who are looking for new “feminine” ways of living their lives and co-creating with their healing businesses.


  • You will receive an attunement of how it feels to co-create in alignment with the Divine Feminine and gain clarity on how letting go of all of WHO WE ARE NOT opens to ALL WHO WE ARE so that we can receive more nurturing, more nourishment, more gentility into your BEING all the while growing, moving and giving birth to your dreams and visions

  • Learn about your Sacred Money Archetypes…. as a Certified Sacred Money Archetype Coach,  I only normally share my Sacred Money Archetype work with participants of our business programmes (at a  much higher price) – so this is a wonderful opportunity to test the waters and experience how following the lunar cycle in a conscious way   using the gifts of your Sacred Money Archetypes.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Manifesting with the Moon

    2. Moon-phases-keywords

    3. Your Sacred Money Archetype Assessment (please download the assessment before attempting to complete it)

    4. Your Sacred Money Archetype Descriptions

    1. New Moon Visualisation

    2. Sage New Moon Attunement

    3. Your New Moon Ritual

    4. My Next 30 Days PDF

    5. Your Planning with the Elements Template

    6. New Moon - An Overview of the 8 Phases and Your New Moon Ritual

    7. Your New Moon Alignment Replay

    8. Chakradance Dancing Prayer for Peace

    1. Ancestral Forgiveness Ritual for Crescent Moon

    2. Crescent Moon Ritual and Clearing

    1. Your Growth Moon Ritual

    2. Buttercup Attunement for Growth Moon

    1. Your Bud Moon Ritual

    2. How to Make your Full Moon Charged Water - Preparation for Full Moon

    1. Your Full Moon Ritual

    2. Essences for Sensitivity with Ann Callaghan of the Indigo Essences

    3. Full Moon Dancing Prayer

About this course

  • £22.00 / month
  • 29 lessons
  • 4.5 hours of video content

What some previous participants have to say

Esta Robertson

I love the moon and wanted to know how to work with the cycles, so that I could move forward with my business and personal goals. I was unfocused with my planning and intention setting, there wasn’t enough structure to my business. I didn’t have many clients and wanted to find a way to build my business. Since taking part and learning how to Manifest with the Moon, I have more regular clients and am gaining new ones all of the time. My pricing is far better and I am aligned with my life purpose. My focus and direction of where I want to take my business is much clearer. Personally I feel happier and more content with life. The fact that professionally I am moving in the direction I want and my business is growing is just great, and Manifesting with the Moon has helped so much with this. I now have a better understanding of the moon cycles and knowing when to set intentions and plan, to take action and to rest and reflect. It all makes sense and I realised I have been affected by the cycles for a long time, the moon’s power is incredible. It’s a fantastic journey and affects all parts of your life in a really positive way. Learning how to manifest in the right way changes everything. Esta Robertson is a holistic therapist and her business is called Aurorashine. She is a Flower Essence Practitioner, A Katseye Aromablend Therapist, Reiki Practitioner and Teacher and a Crystal Healer. She is also a single Mum to a lively 5 year old girl and her vision is to be able to work the hours that suit her and be present for her daughter.

Fiona Campbell

I was instantly attracted to the title of Manifesting with the Moon. I had never come across anything like this course before and the whole idea of experiencing and working with the lunar cycles intrigued me so much that something inside told me I had to do it and I signed up without hesitation -not like me at all. Little did I know what I was letting myself in for – what an amazing experience the journey was on so many levels of my life and, indeed, is continuing to be – because now I am totally hooked and have gone on to also do Sara’s other magical courses! Before starting the Manifesting with the Moon journey, I didn’t actually have a business. I kind of knew what I wanted to do, but it was all rather vague, still all up in the air and seemingly a long way off. I felt very frustrated. I didn’t have clarity, couldn’t focus and lacked the confidence and know-how to take the first steps necessary to start up my business. My experience with Manifesting with the moon started at the end of May 2017 – and I now actually have a business! It’s still in it’s early stages, I’m just taking my first steps, but it does exist now! I found the clarity I needed to align with my life purpose, define my mission and the confidence to be able to take the necessary steps to move forward. I am learning to respect the lunar cycles and move and plan my life and business accordingly. I now know when to set clear intentions, when to take action and move out in the world and then when to go inside, reflect and rest, ready for the next cycle. Discovering my Sacred Money Archetypes was a big ah-ha! They have helped me to understand my mindset very clearly, identify my gifts and challenges and learn how to use them in both my personal and professional life. The interaction with such amazing, like-minded and supportive people on the forum has given me the confidence to begin expressing my true self. Don’t waste time thinking about doing this course – just do it – it’s a win win situation! Sara is a wonderful teacher and guide and her webinars are so interesting and overflow with wisdom. You learn so much about yourself and the support and interaction on the Forum is absolutely priceless. Fiona Campbell is a Beingness Teacher, Personal Empowerment Facilitator, Metaphysical Coach and Ordained Minister. Her business is called Fragrance of Being and she helps stressed and scattered women, who have abandoned themselves to fulfill the needs of others, to connect to their true power so that they can live life on their terms and live their dreams – and no one else's!


I’ve worked with the Moon Phases for over 20 years, originally from a health perspective, to help optimise energy flows in the body. As a Reflexologist I used to notice that when the Moon was in Pisces my appointment book would be overflowing…. and my treatments more powerful than at other times. (In Western Astrology Pisces governs the feet…!) The book ‘Moon Time’ by Johanna Paungger and Thomas Poppe was my ‘Bible’ for timing dental appointments and helping me stay in rhythm with the Moon. Since I’ve been on Sara’s Manifesting With The Moon Journeys, my awareness has deepened to an even more profound level. Following this sacred cycle, along with the combined energy of the group, has helped me become much more focused on my business and health goals. Setting intentions and then using the magnetic current of the Moon’s phases to bring them into manifestation, has been quite a revelation. Discovering which are the optimum times for business planning, taking action and reflecting and self-care, is a very empowering process and has transformed my Healing Business. Sara has created an extremely beautiful, efficient and powerful journey, based on her own very deep experience of Moon-Working. This makes manifesting extremely potent and rewarding. I have recommended Manifesting with the Moon to so many friends. colleagues and clients over the years… and I now heartily recommend it to you! About Sharon – Sharon is a Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner & Self Help Instructor. She helps people recover from Adrenal Fatigue and Burn-Out so they can live healthier, happier and more sustainable lives. She is Founder of The Energy Recovery Programme and Co-Creator of EarthSong Essences, a range of Flower, Gem & Environmental Essences to help us get back in time with ourselves. our lives and the Earth.

Rebecca Millar

At the time of signing up for my first Manifesting with the Moon I was at the start of a journey back to emotional wellness and felt at that time that my life had no purpose or direction. My therapist had suggested I look into using flower essences to support the work we were doing, in searching the interenet I discovered the Essentially Flowers website and was entranced by the trainings on offer. The Diploma in Flower & Vibrational Essences really drew me but didn’t seem possible for me to do at that time, so I decided to do the Summer Manisfeting with the Moon in 2014 to manifest the ability to undertake the training that was so drawing me. Six months after that first Manifesting with the Moon my life had altered in ways that I could never have predicted but I did find myself able to undertake the Essentially Flowers Diploma in Flower & Vibrational Essences. This will be my 8th Manifesting with the Moon, each one has allowed me to move further forward in my life with ease – I have completed my training, moved my family from Hampshire to Devon and started a business as a Flower & Vibrational Essence practitioner working out of Neal’s Yard Remedy shop in Tavistock – as I write this I wonder how that depressed single mum of 3 (in 2014) managed to undertake all of this? The answer is by setting intentions and planning by the moon. My biggest discovery from Manifesting with the Moon is that by imagining how I would like my life to be, creating the intention to inform the universe of my wishes and planning how to do this in a way that follows the rhythms of nature, I can achieve my heart’s desires. If your heart has a dream, that at first seems impossible, try Manifesting with the Moon, you’ll be amazed by what you are able to make real. Rebecca Veryan Millar is a Flower & Vibrational Essence practitioner who specialises in helping strong women stay emotionally strong so that they feel empowered and able to achieve the seemingly impossible.

Here is what you will experience on our 29-day journey:

  • A supported experience of following the lunar cycle and experiencing first hand how it feels to transform with the moon

  • Set deep and focused intentions at New Moon and then allow these intentions to grow and bloom as the lunar cycle progresses

  • Receive a guided activity at each moon phase (there are 8 of them) that will ask you to reflect and take action

  • Take part in a live interactive webinar at New Moon, where I will lead you through a process of setting an aligned intention of this lunar cycle and an attunement to the energies of the current season. This webinar will be recorded should you not be able to attend.

  • Discover your Sacred Money Archetypes As a Certified Sacred Money Archetype Coach, I will show you how to use your natural gifts as a way to lead your life both personally and professionally This work all on its own is life-changing!

  • Learn key areas where you may be giving away your power with money and identify steps= you can take to own your own value, with confidence and clarity

  • Learn how to focus your intentions for manifestation, allowing you to align your desires with your unique gifts and thereby creating ease and flow in your personal and professional life.

  • Learn how my own range of MoonFlower Essences can support you on your journey. I will also be sharing information about 4 different ranges of flower essences – Bach Healing Herbs, Australian Bush and Alaskan essences.


On rece
ipt of your payment, you will be given access to the Welcome page of the Manifesting with the Moon course and to our secure Facebook forum. 

On this Welcome page you will be able to take your Sacred Money Archetype Assessment and download a full set of pdfs that explain your Archetypes in full detail. This information is yours to keep. 

You will receive invitations to take part in the New Moon interactive webinar (see above for details).

You’ll receive 7 guided exercises that will take through the 29 day lunar cycle in a beautiful and empowered way. 

These exercises are made available via a membership site and on our Facebook secure group forum. 

You will be fully supported by myself and the group via our online forum. Your Sacred Money Archetype Information – yours to keep as downloadable and printable material.

At the end of the lunar cycle, it is recommended that you remain part of our circle for a tiny payment of £22 per cycle. My experience is that it takes practice and support to manifest what you wish for... and it takes time. 

Of course if you prefer you can cancel the ongoing £22 per cycle payment and you will retain the materials to refer to as you wish.


We will be using Conscious Dance to SUPPORT OUR BODIES IN ALLOWING THE REBIRTHING. Use your deep intention setting and the group energy to dance your intentions into being by letting go of tension, resistance and old ways of being THROUGH DANCE.    

About Sara Estelle

Sara Turner

Sara Estelle Turner is a leading expert in the world of Flower and Vibrational Essences and supports Healers grow aligned and nourishing businesses. Sara Estelle turned to Flower and Vibrational Essences in her early 40s following debilitating anxiety and sadness in her life and experienced such deep transformation that she has now dedicated her life to supporting others move past trauma, shift limiting beliefs and deeply embedded emotional responses so that they can embrace their unique magical selves and become empowered change-makers in the world. Sara Estelle facilitates a successful Diploma in Flower and Vibrational Essences and supports Healers of all modalities gain crystal clarity on who they are and then share this in abundant ways with those that need them. She is a Modern Day Priestess. She is a former Chair of the British Flower and Vibrational Essences Association and host of the Nature Connections Podcasts.