Enrolments are currently closed for the Priestess Process.

Join the waiting list and we will let you know when the doors re-open in early-2024!

The journey of a Priestess is to embody her sacred purpose on earth. And for that she first needs to know exactly who she is and love herself deeply as that. The Star of Gaia Priestess Process is a journey of deep embodiment back to your Source Self. If you have been struggling with moving forwards in life as YOU, this journey may be for YOU.

From Low Self Worth to Knowing you are a Sacred Being in a Sacred Body and HERE RIGHT NOW to Make a Difference

The Priestess Process Helps you Experience the Flow of the Divine Feminine through your own body so that you can Know Who You Are and Create the Life and Perhaps Business of your Dreams

I'm Sara Estelle

I'm Sara Estelle, a Nature Guide specialising in Flower and Vibrational Essences, A Business Mentor to Healing Business Owners and Priestess of the New Earth.

I live in the beautiful rolling hills of South West France!

I turned to Flower and Vibrational Essences and nature-based healing in my early 40s following debilitating anxiety and sadness in my life.

I experienced such deep transformation that I now dedicate my life to supporting others move past trauma, shift limiting beliefs and deeply embedded emotional responses so that they can embrace their unique magical selves and become empowered change-makers in the world.

I was doing well in my life and business and felt deeply grateful to nature that I had been given the ability and opportunity to work in this way. And yet there was still something missing!

I knew I was here for more and on moving to France in 2015 began a 3 year Priestess training.

My own Priestess journey connected me to the sacred flow of energy within and gave me a physical experience of embodiment and confirmation of what I am here to do

Since then my passion to pass this remembering and experience onto other woman has blossomed and it is my honour to witness the shifts within the Priestesses who hear the call to join our Star of Gaia Priestess Process

My Mission: To Grow a Globally Recognised Spiritual Business Academy for Women Based on Sacred Principles of Nature and Sovereignty

Have you ever felt as if there is something missing in your life?

If you are looking for a safe passage through to Living your Purpose, then Read On

  • Are you here to do something greater with your life but you just don't know what it is ?

  • Do you feel different, lonely and misunderstood by those around you?

  • You have an armful of qualifications but know you are not living your life to its highest potential?

  • Are you guided to live your life guided by the sacred rhythms of the Earth and the Stars?

  • Are you ready to gain access to and trust deeper levels of intuition and spiritual guidance?

  • Are you ready to activate your inner gifts and step into your power?

Priestess of the New Earth Jane Harris

Watch this video and learn about Jane's divinely inspired path into her Priestess Journey, and how it has allowed her to find that missing piece of the jigsaw

Here's what other Priestess Process participants had to share!

This is it! The missing piece

by Chris Martin

This was my reaction when I saw Sara's email about the Priestess Process, I was immediately drawn to it & knew I was to follow it. It is an immensely personal journey of finding out about myself, my place in this world & how I can best be of service (but not a servant). My Priestess self is awakening, it is beautiful & strong. I am learning how to use the Elements & my Shamanic astrology to serve myself and therefore the planet. This follows so well the Diploma in Flower & Vibrational Essences I followed with Sara a few years a go. This process is bringing so much together for me, all that nature can teach us. I'm so glad I listened to my heart to follow this path, it's an amazing discovery of self.

I am so glad I listened to the whisper of my inner priestess

Kate Parker

I was drawn to the Star of Gaia Priestess Process because I wanted to deepen my understanding of myself as well as my connection with the sacred feminine. I love that the focus of this process is on myself and encourages self love and nourishment. I love that my priestess self has been awakened. There is so much to learn and it works well for me that I can watch the replays and take my time with exercises like journalling. So far I have particularly enjoyed meeting my inner priestess and my flower priestess, chakra dancing and shamanic astrology which is helping me appreciate and understand my uniqueness. I am so glad I listened to the whisper of my inner priestess and embarked on this journey of discovery.

Something just went off inside me and I knew that I needed to do it!

Helen Griffith-Haynes

As soon as I saw Sara advertising that she would be running the Priestess Process last year, something just went off inside me and I knew that I needed to do it. I had just finished her Diploma in Flower and Vibrational Medicine and I was wondering what my next step would be. If this is right for you, you will know it immediately and like a calling deep within your heart. I would encourage anyone who feels this calling to be brave and go with it, even if it feels a little scary, you will know. I have worked with some of the material in the process before, but Sara teaches in such an accessible way, and the space that is created at the weekly meetings is like a sanctuary. I have felt my energy system changing and my understanding about manifestation, law of attraction, the elements, my relationship with the divine, and who I am at my very core changing in the most positive ways. It is allowing me to facilitate my essence and healing work at a deeper level and I don't want the process to end! I am very much hoping to continue this work into year two and three of the programme.

What exactly is a Modern Day Priestess?

A Priestess is an archetype of sovereign female spirituality.  

She is a woman who owns her own authority and holds a direct connection to her Spiritual Source. 

She trusts her own intuition and inner wisdom and does not look outside of herself for her path forwards.

A Modern Day Priestess may be:

  • A woman caring for her children at home 
  • She may be visible as a healer in her own right 
  • Or she may be walking the boardrooms of the world
  • Or somewhere in between.

Her inner spiritual guidance does not come from any particular religion or culture - she may follow and respect a particular way of relating to the Divine or she may hold allegiance to herself only.

A Priestess holds the interface between Heaven and Earth. 

All women have this ability just waiting to awaken within them. 

By drawing down your own spiritual energy through your body, you manifest on Earth what YOU are here to do. 

You become a "hollow bone" and through the Priestess Process begins to empty your body of all that is not in alignment with what you are here to do. 

The transformational gifts you experience by taking the Star of Gaia Priestess Process

  • Finally owning your Sovereign nature - a deep inner knowing of who you are and what you are here to do.

  • Deeply Exploring your own own specific frequency of your Inner Feminine and Inner Masculine. All of you is needed to Feel Complete and Whole

  • Being guided through life by the rhythms of nature and allowing yourself to be supported as you co-create with Gaia

  • Allowing yourself to feel deeply and thereby heal all parts of yourself. Connecting with your heart in this way allows the flow of life energy that naturally and always runs through you to magnify and magnetise through its true vibration what you wish for towards you.

  • Being able to stand on your own two feet through your own creations and setting in place solid structures to support your life and business. Finally you allow yourself to be held by the Earth.

  • Feeling more confident in your ability to be the Leader of your own life and business and take aligned and bold, consistent action towards the e you are here to manifest.

  • Being fully congruent with your ability to bring not just your spiritual gifts to the earth through your body, but also be highly comfortable with earning the money you need to bring this to life from within - nourishing you financially, those you love and benefiting all, including our beautiful Earth.

Watch Intro Video

Priestess of the New Earth Esta Robertson

Watch this video about Esta's journey with the Star of Gaia Priestess Process and how it has supported her in her personal and business life, allowing her to truly embrace her self worth and own her Sovereignty

Here's what other Priestess Process participants had to share!

My business has grown!

Caitriona Hicks

The priestess process was a hugely transformative journey for me. When I joined the course I was in a place in my life where I wasn't sure of my next steps for my life or my business. Sara brought us through week by week and soon I began to see changes in myself. My self confidence grew & my capacity to love myself grew too. I learned so much about myself as a person & my path opened up before me, making business decisions became easy & from a place a knowing. Since completing the process my business has grown and I'm doing work now I never had the confidence to do before. Sara is a fabulous facilitator, she gently nudged me to look deep within for the answers I was seeking. I'm truly grateful for the experience.

How the Priestess Process works

  • Weekly content delivered in live meetings with Sara Estelle over 9 months - the time it takes for a seed to implant, grow into its own form of life and then be birthed through a female body.

  • All materials are presented through 1 hour (approximately) meetings each week delivered "live" with Sara Estelle via Zoom meetings and recorded if you cannot attend live. Online meetings will be held on Mondays at 1.00pm UK time/2.00pm European time. On occasions the meeting times may change and you will be given full notice.

  • Materials are held in sacred space on the website of Sara Estelle - and full access will be given to these materials for your 9 month journey and then held there for the following 9 months.

  • Expect to feel joy, cry, open your heart and body and dance.

  • The process is self proclaimed and witnessed by others members of the group.

What You Receive

  • 28 modules of the Priestess Process delivered "live" with Sara Estelle and recorded if you are not able to join us live

  • A deepened connection to your Divine Essence through an intimate connection with your own Inner Priestess

  • An ability to walk rhythmically with the pulses of the Earth in your own unique way through upgrades to your energy system with each of the elemental forces of nature - Earth, Water, Air and Fire

  • Learn and Explore the 8 planets that form your Creation Team - including the subtle frequencies of your Inner Feminine and Inner Masculine, what your area of expertise is and what you are here to learn

  • Support and Guidance to EnVision and Co-Create the New Earth through your own energy field and guidance

  • 1 x 60 minute 1:1 Crystalline Consciousness Healing Session with Sara Estelle or one of our Star of Gaia High Priestesses during your 9 months

  • Access to join your Fellow Priestess Sisters on a secret Facebook forum

  • Sacred Space held holding by Sara Estelle for the full duration of the program

Here's what other Priestess Process participants had to share!

Awakening Graciously and Gracefully to my Inner Self

Sylvie Chartrand

For me taking the Priestess course, is more of a Journey within, the most beautiful Journey in awakening graciously and gracefully to my inner self, my true self, the wisdom that lies within. Rediscovering my dormant gifts. And to share these gifts that seem to be emerging slowly to honour my process, to find my beauty within…the one that was shared with other women, at another time, as a connection to Mother Earth. Becoming a Priestess is also all about self care, with the honouring of my true self, checking in on what She needs. I am so very grateful that I listened to the call.

Meet Priestess of the New Earth Andrea Pickford

Watch this video and hear how becoming a Priestess has supported Andrea deeply in her own her own personal and gifted her tools to use with her own clients.

How do I know if this Priestess Process is right for me?

My own personal experience of this is that the Priestess Process chooses YOU ... and you will know very quickly that this is a space you are being asked to inhabit. Follow your heart here and listen to HER calling you from within. Join the wait list and when the doors open, you will be offered the chance to have a free, no obligation chat with me about whether the priestess process is right for you.

Bonus material

Immediately upon joining you will have access to:

  • Manifesting with the Moon Flagship Programme

    Immediately upon joining you will gain access to my Manifesting with the Moon Courses. Manifesting with the Moon is my flagship online programme; a potent way of manifesting your heart's desires through aligning with the rhythms of the moon. This programme includes "live" group alignments for each New Moon (Value £400).

  • 1:1 Crystalline Consciousness Healing Session

    Each Priestess will be invited to a 1:1 Healing Session with one of our Star of Gaia High Priestesses using the Crystalline Consciousness Technique. This is a highly evolved and sacred form of energy healing that works with sacred geometry and the new energies of the planet. It is an accelerated and lasting form of healing that empowers you and connects you to your sacred work (Value £150).

  • Become a Flower Priestess and 3 Bonus Presentations

    As a qualified Trainer (and many many years of experiencing the gifts of nature and flower essences), by taking part in the Star of Gaia Priestess Process, you will also gain access to 3 bonus presentations I'll be sharing with you: How to Use Flower Essences for deep Priestess Self Care; How to support your unique astrology with essences; How to move through these times of change.

Here's what other Priestess Process participants had to share!

This journey has taught me to how to honour and nurture my feminine energies

Clare Troy

The Priestess journey took me on a deep and beautiful dive into my inner feminine. The place of self love, nurturing and nourishment. The place of creation, of transformation, of understanding myself and why I am here on a deeper level. It helped me to align more with my true self, to accpet all of who I am and to make changes in my life to honour and support those aspects of myself. It guided me through connecting and balancing my masculine and feminine energies which has rippled out and brought more harmony into my life. I experienced the elements in my body, which I realised up until that point, had been concepts in my head rather than embodied experiences. My connection with the Earth has deepened greatly and I now feel so much more supported. I loved every part of this process, but my favourite parts were the sacred ceremonies, initiations and journeys to find my own insights and inner wisdom. As someone who works in a corporate, masculine environment, this journey has taught me how to honour and nurture my feminine energies and bring more balance and softness into my life. If your Inner Priestess is calling, I would highly recommend this wonderful journey!

You Know you Are Needed Now

And Gaia - our beautiful planet - is just waiting for you to step forward and Say YES! She will do the rest.....


Our planet "Gaia" is in great need right now of women just like you who are ready to awaken to and align with their true calling. 

The Star of Gaia Priestess Process can support you in embodying this process.

A Guidebook for the Modern Day Priestess

While you're waiting for the doors to open, why not get my free eBook about the Priestess journey!

A Guidebook for the Modern Day Priestess offers you 4 Divinely Feminine Ways to Show Up and Shine.


  • What happens if I cannot attend the sessions live

    All our sessions are recorded and available for replay. Many Priestesses have taken part via the replays and have followed and felt intimately part of the process. When we work in sacred space, the energy is full embedded in the replays.

  • I'd like to ask you a few questions before I join - is this possible?

    Absolutely - you are very welcome to book a free Clarity Session with me. Here is the link to my diary - please cut and paste to your browser and find a day and time to suit you. https://starofgaiapriestessprocess.youcanbook.me

Here's what other Priestess Process participants had to share !

I suddenly realised the interconnectedness of everythingonial title

Nina Ritchie

I was in hospital recently, and actually not enjoying myself very much. I was hooked up to heavy duty IV antibiotics and goodness knows what other meds. I thought to myself ‘What the Heck?? How on earth is this whole shebang in any way connected to being a Priestess? Perhaps this whole thing definitely works for other people, but maybe not for me. So I lay around feeling ill and mopey for a while and then just sort of looked out of the window. Did I mention I had a window bed? Overlooking one of the most beautiful views in Oxfordshire? The early March sun was shining in a clear blue sky. I started becoming aware of this beautiful Sun energy and felt it shining on my face, soothing me and energising me at the same time. I felt I understood a bit more about why we welcome in the four elements, Fire, Air, Water and Earth when we open Sacred Space as Priestesses. Watching the clear afternoon sun sink into the most stunning sunset made me feel even more in awe of the mysteries around us even as I was tossing and turning, trying to get comfy in my hard hospital bed. That evening after a trip down to the CT scan, when I was back in bed and feeling sorry for myself again, my lovely Portuguese nurse told me to look out of the window. So I did, but thought , how ridiculous, it’s night, the sun won’t be shining now. Indeed it wasn’t, but the moon was! Such an amazing moon, so beautiful in a stunning night sky. This lovely moon energy was there for me all night long, shining right at me and filling me with calm and an awareness of realms other than our mundane everyday experiences. I witnessed the most amazing dawn the next morning, when both the sun and the moon were in the sky simultaneously. I felt that the Priestess Process had opened me up to being more sensitive and receptive to the energies of Nature, when BANG!! I suddenly realised the interconnectedness of everything. As above, so below. I realised that the healing and uplifting qualities of the Sun and the Moon were all part of the same energy that was all around me. The energy, knowledge and understanding of the wonderful doctors who had seen to me, the energy in the intravenous drip bag, getting rid of the nasties that had accumulated in my body, the kind energy in the smile of the tea lady, even the nurse who gave me injections but also brought me an extra blanket. It was all the same. The sublime energies of the universe are always permeating our everyday lives and weaving their way in and out of our mundane and sometimes painful experiences. We can’t always see the creative and perfect energy that surrounds us, but part of the Priestess process, for me at least, is the realisation that it is always there regardless, even when we can’t see it. How awesome is that?! I started feeling a lot better after my day with the sunbeams and my night with the moonbeams and went home the next day.

Priestess Clarity Call with Sara Estelle

Book a Priestess Clarity Session with Sara Estelle to find out if this is the right journey for you.